
The creative process is nurtured, as is your whole being, when you take time to slow down, reflect and, just be. Taking time for periods of reflection promotes an inner quality of curiosity and presence, not often experienced in the business of daily life, where activity and accomplishment often take precedence. Yet, your quiet, reflective time offers a bridge to realizing your goals and sustaining your momentum through the inspiration and balance you receive when you let go and become still.

As with nature and all living things, there is a fallow period where no sign of growth is apparent. Gestation follows with the planting of seeds, proper tending of what is waiting and wanting to grow, and, lastly, the bursting forth of new life in the form of a bud and finally, a blossom in full bloom. Human beings undergo that same, universal sequence, as we progress through our own growth and transformation. The difference for us is that we are able to design and actively participate in our growth, in part, through clear vision, action planning and positive intentions about the growth you are seeking.

Your reflection time is also a practice, a way to steady yourself, to review your day and become clear on what is important and right for you. Using this time to take full, conscious breaths from deep in your belly, to ground and focus on center allows your entire nervous system an opportunity for recalibration and then a quieting of the mind can occur. This may be an opportune time for visual imaging, relaxation, meditation and your affirmations – a means to reconnect with your true intentions.