On May 3, Unfinished Business will be arriving to deliver its workshop experience to Esalen Institute.  On May 5th, when the workshop is concluded, those who attended the workshop at Esalen will be returning to their lives…. with a new perspective.

While it would never be our intention to brag or boast about grandiose promises, it is absolutely fact that a person asking himself or herself these life questions, if he or she chooses to be honest about the answer, will be changed.  And, I will go one step further to say, changed for the better.

This Esalen Workshop is a Safe Place to Ask Hard Questions

Unfinished Business Esalen WorkshopThis workshop is designed to ask the questions out loud that we may have perhaps already whispered in the depths of our minds.  Questions about our self worth, about how we will spend the rest of our days, which we now know to be precious and finite.  This workshop is designed to guide us safely, securely, definitively to answers so that when we depart Esalen Institute on May 5th, we feel like we have a starting point and a group of people who share our quest.

Leaders Steve Edelman and Pam Kramer know about these questions.  They are seekers as well as leaders, and have followed their own truths.  Click here to watch some of the videos in which they discuss their own journey to creating this workshop.

We think Unfinished Business is an appropriate name.

We admit there is finite time in which we have precious work to do, in order to ensure full value to our lives, as beings having a human experience.

For those who will be joining us in May, the journey has already begun.

For information on Registration, click here.