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The First Step: Experiment, by Steve Edelman

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Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. – Goethe Two thoughts about that famous quote: There is magical power in beginnings. So much can flow from that first step, but for some reason, we hesitate, and wait for the perfect moment. Often that perfect […]

Taking a New Direction, by Steve Edelman

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Sometimes it’s hard to decide on a direction to go in life until you feel you’ve taken a look at all the possibilities. The problem is, that’s a trap. You can be paralyzed with possibilities and never move forward. We need to be more specific than considering “all the possibilities” before we act. We need […]

Honoring Reflection, by Pam Kramer

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The creative process is nurtured, as is your whole being, when you take time to slow down, reflect and, just be. Taking time for periods of reflection promotes an inner quality of curiosity and presence, not often experienced in the business of daily life, where activity and accomplishment often take precedence. Yet, your quiet, reflective […]

More Than We Could Have Hoped For…

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Unfinished Business

Our last group at Esalen was more than we could have hoped for: excited, engaged and committed.

They reached a level of trust with us and each other that is the foundation for breakthroughs
in life. They spoke from the heart and the gut… and many reported seeing themselves in a fresh way… without
sugar coating… [Click Here to Read More…]

Top Ten Favorite Things About Esalen

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Unfinished Business Esalen Workshop

Esalen Institute, commonly just called Esalen, is a retreat center in Big Sur, California, which focuses upon humanistic alternative education. Esalen is a nonprofit organization devoted to activities such as personal growth, meditation, massage, yoga, psychology, ecology, spirituality, and organic food. [Click Here to Read More…]